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I know, I’m right there with you. I’ve found it difficult to work out too. Why? Stress. But don’t worry! Sometimes all you need is a little convenience to get you jump-started (yes I’m talking to myself). Here is a list of the 14 essential items you’ll need to get your home gym fully stocked and ready for you to kick your New Years resolution’s ass. Let’s do it together?
I don’t know if you remember what laying on the ground feels like, but it’s not pleasant. Do yourself a favor and pick up an extra thick yoga mat. Keep that tailbone padded. We both know we’ll be hurting enough as is.
Pumping irons is cool and all, but sometimes bulging biceps isn’t the only goal. Resistance bands help target different muscles and keep your joints safe. Useful for all kinds of exercises, wherever you find yourself. Remember, convenience.
Too rainy to go for a run? Just don’t want to? Don’t worry, teleport yourself back to a time before the crushing stress of adulthood obliterated any sense of joy you once had with a jump rope! Just like old times. It’ll feel so nostalgic.
This is the most expensive item on this list, so I apologize ahead of time. However, space is limited for a lot of us. Adjustable dumbbells are a great compromise to be able to get in a good workout while only filling up a small piece of your space. Convenience comes at a price sometimes.
Once we’ve dropped a few of those covid pounds, pull-ups are a must-do exercise for the old back n bis. I wouldn’t suggest just any plain old pull-up bar. This one can be used for pull-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups.
Looking for stronger forearms and grip strength? Kettlebells are your ticket to not fitting into your long sleeves any longer. Is it true that forearms are one of the most desired parts of a body by ladies? Who knows but let’s take any motivation we can get.
Nothing sexy here. Just a bench. We’ll need one of these for chest exercises. If you don’t want to do those, move right along.
There are loads of foam roller types to choose from. This one here is as plain as they come. For you and I just getting back into the swing of things, it’s perfect.
If you’re feeling adventurous, like you’ve mastered the art of the plank, it’s time to introduce the wheel roller. Hit all four layers of the abdominal muscles all at once.
This one here is pretty self explanatory. Aside from the obvious reasons to workout a butt, strong butts mean healthier knees and less back pain. Booty bands are a great way to help you increase strength!
Look. If we’re getting serious about our fitness this year, protein needs to be on the menu. Protein powder is a great way to supplement a diet that you and I both know hasn’t been up to standard.
If you aren’t weighted down enough by your 9 to 5, adding a little extra weight to your ankles is a great way to build some extra muscle while doing your leg lifts, jump roping, or walking on a treadmill. This pair here can go up to 5lbs per ankle.
Burn some extra calories with a stepper! Easy to use, just step up and off. If you don’t have a staircase in your home, this is the next best thing.
Funnily enough, the taste of medicine is actually not as bad as the taste of pure pain while using a medicine ball. Of course, pain is gain. Or at least that’s the lie we all tell ourselves. Either way, we’re going to need one of these for those Russian twists
And there we have it! Now that you have all your equipment, this year’s fitness goals should be a breeze. Let’s both kick some ass and feel fit, healthy, and above all, confident in who we are.