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Ready to run a giveaway?

Let’s get your website traffic to the moon 🚀

Our audience is 18+ years old and exclusively in the US.

Here’s what we can do.

Campaign Strategy

Our team of designers makes your giveaway stand out with captivating titles and images and the right hashtags to ensure your prize is seen. We make it easy on you. You do enough already.


We have a social audience of 100k+, a newsletter with 90k+ subscribers, and access to other social audiences with over 300k followers. Mannafy knows how to get your prize seen. That’s the hard part.


From start to finish, we take care of all communications with contestants. That includes all social media comments, emails, questions and concerns. All that’s left for you is to send the prize. 


Giveaway Sponsors

Social Media Audience

What kind of prizes work best for a giveaway?

From the 300+ giveaways we’ve run, we’ve found that home goods are the best performing category. We have to yet run a travel giveaway but once we do, we anticipate that to be the best performer. Supplements and courses tend to underperform all other categories.

What's in it for my brand?

Depending on the size of your brand, you may have a larger audience than us. Would running a giveaway yourself be more effective? Maybe. However, giveaways are what we do. Through trial and error, we have found the right and wrong ways to run a giveaway. That all comes along with our service.

There’s a good chance that all of the traffic we send your way will be seeing your brand for the first time. While running giveaways yourself is good for increasing brand loyalty, accessing untapped audiences is a great way to grow your brand awareness and fan base.

When our users enter to win your giveaway, they’ll have a chance gain additional entries by following your social media accounts and visiting your site. We can work with you to set up additional entry options to signup up for newsletters, watch videos, or anything else!

Lastly, once your giveaway ends you’ll get a permanent backlink on our Winners Circle page.

What's mannafy's audience demographic look like?

Glad you asked! 66.5% of our audience is women ranging from 35-64. The majority of our users are US-based (our giveaways can only be won by US residents). All users are 18 and over. Our largest in-market segment is home & garden/home decor.